Ahhhhh... My head...
At first impression, I was shocked that how can he be so cruel to the bird and cut off its heads.
It is look so reality, in fact it is.

Haha, I was been cheated by him. He is using two bird: one show the head, one show the body. It make the viewer seems as real and cruel, in fact it is the trick the artist used. In this design, he drawing the ninja first and then cut the hole for the birds. He apply red acrylic to represent the blood which can look as real blood. Lastly, put the birds accordingly into the hole then it look like ninja had cut off the head.
Well, let me introduce this artist who named Ali Abd Alrazzaq lives in Iraq. He has a lot of nice artworks but i just show one of his artworks. I found this creative artworks which be shared in the Facebook. i was inspired as this artworks been creative and simple design. It does not meaning the nice artwork need spend a lot of time and money. Creative also can be a nice design.
Well, let me introduce this artist who named Ali Abd Alrazzaq lives in Iraq. He has a lot of nice artworks but i just show one of his artworks. I found this creative artworks which be shared in the Facebook. i was inspired as this artworks been creative and simple design. It does not meaning the nice artwork need spend a lot of time and money. Creative also can be a nice design.
Reference : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=295909330586860&set=pcb.10152573126597048&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-xpa1%2Ft1.0-9%2F10476023_295909330586860_1685534347958883296_n.jpg&size=960%2C687
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